135 years ago today - Mar 10, 1889

As we drove home Father [First Presidency counselor George Q. Cannon] ... asked me what I understood concerning Mary conceiving the Savior; and as I found no answer he asked what was to prevent Father Adam from visiting and overshadowing the mother of Jesus.

'Then' said I, 'he must have been a resurrected Being.'

'Yes,' said he, 'and though Christ is said to have been the first fruits of them that slept, yet the Savior said he did nothing but what He had seen His Father do, for He had power to lay down His life and take it up again. Adam, though made of dust, was made, as Pres. Young said, of the dust of another planet than this.'

I was very much instructed by the conversation and this day's services. [Note: This excerpt was excluded from 'An Apostles Record: The Journals of Abraham H. Cannon']

[Abraham H. Cannon (Author), Edward Leo Lyman (Editor), Candid Insights of a Mormon Apostle: The Diaries of Abraham H. Cannon, 1889-1895, Signature Books]

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