125 years ago today - Mar 2, 1899

Apostle Rudger Clawson records: "Pres. Snow reported at length what had been done respecting the matter of securing Pres. Cannon's election to Congress. A number of the legislators had been seen, and, while they were not asked to vote for Brother Cannon, the advantages that would arise from doing so were clearly explained to them. Everything, he said, seemed favorable at the present time. There were many difficulties in the way, but the Lord was helping him. He felt that the move was right for the reason, among other things, that our enemies are working for a constitutional amendment against polygamy, and if Pres. Cannon were in Congress, he would doubtless be able to exercise a powerful influence to defeat any such movement." First Counselor Cannon is elected by the state legislature but the U.S. Senate does not allow the polygamist to be seated.

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