160 years ago today - summer of 1863

[R.L.D.S Church]
The Reorganized Church sought to maximize the potential by sending two of its most outstanding preachers to Utah in the summer of 1863. Edmund C. Briggs, heading the missionary team, was a recently ordained apostle who had achieved dazzling success among other Mormon factions in Iowa in the earliest years of the Reorganization, baptizing over 100 new members and organizing six church branches. He brought an unusual blend of religious conviction, missionary skill, and administrative ability to the mission. His associate was Alexander McCord, a member of the early Mormon church and veteran of the Mormon Battalion who had settled in Utah after mustering out of the U.S. Army only to become disillusioned and bitter about what he considered the excesses of church government under Brigham Young.

[Utah History Encyclopedia: R.L.D.S Church, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]

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