135 years ago today - Jul 2, 1888

[Heber J. Grant]
It is one of the untold mysteries to me that George Q. Cannon will employ such men as Alexander Badlam to work in the interests of our people in their efforts for Statehood, and trust his with the secret workings of our efforts and not be willing to trust the members of our Quorum. W. Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Jos F Smith are a Committee having in charge the expenditure of all moneys for Statehood and from my information Badlam is the head man in spending money to secure the influence of the leading news papers of the country in our behalf. ...

I shall hail the day with unbounded delight when the members of our quorum shall be of such a character that there will be perfect confidence so that the combined wisdom of all may be had in each and every effort for the advancement of the people. ...

[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

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