130 years ago today - Apr 5, 1888 • Thursday

[George Q. Cannon]
A proposition was also made by Bro. John W. Taylor to appropriate certain amounts for the Seven Presidents of Seventies. I objected to this and said that the brethren who stood in need were already receiving assistance. While it is necessary that those who are engaged in the work of the ministry should receive assistance, I do not feel altogether satisfied with the present tendency in giving our officers salaries. I feel myself that I could not, if called upon, defend the action we have already taken upon this point in regard to the Twelve Apostles and their Counselors and the Presiding Bishopric. I should have protested against it had it not been for certain circumstances which have made me feel that the less I said in the way of objecting to propositions, the better. Besides, I have not been in a position to decline the help that has been tendered. There are 13 Apostles, with their 2 Counselors, and 3 of the Presiding Bishopric, making 18. 17 of these receive $3000. a year, in cash, and President Woodruff receives $5000., making $56.000. a year, all in cash. Now, the proposition is to give the Presidents of Stakes certain sums, amounting altogether to not far from $30,000. Bishops also receive 10% of the tithing, which is divided among them. I feel that this is a great change, and whether it is a beneficial one or not is very questionable in my mind. President Young was utterly opposed to giving officers fixed amounts. While perhaps some of the brethren might have almost suffered under the system that he maintained, still it did keep down the tendency that was frequently manifested on the part of some individuals to get at what may be called the "public crib."

[Source: The Journal of George Q. Cannon, Church Historian's Press, https://churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon]

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