45 years ago today - Apr 2, 1979-Monday

[Leonard Arrington]
Sunday morning [April 1] about 8 inches of snow fell in our area, and I got the snow plow out and cleared off the driveway. There was a complication in that Grace and I had been requested to attend the special meeting at the temple at 4:30 right after conference. ... Grace and I heard President Kimball's last talk as we drove to the parking plaza from home, and then went to the special temple service in the Celestial room of the temple. [[This is when the Arringtons were anointed by President Kimball, accompanied by apostles David B. Haight and Boyd K. Packer, in an event Arrington mentioned initially to his children only by saying he "went to the temple with mamma for an inspirational session." Grace Arrington added that "it was wonderful, too sacred to write about. But it will change my life". A week later, Sunday, April 8, the Arringtons completed the second part of the ordinance in their home by performing a feet-washing ritual.]]

... Today, I stayed home from Priesthood and Sunday School and worked on my federal, state, and Idaho income taxes. Finished ready for typing.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

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