155 years ago today - Jul 1, 1868

"To President B. Young:"

"Dear Brother, since the last two meetings at the school, I have, at times, reflected much and very seriously, upon the feelings which I have suffered myself for years to occasionally entertain respecting certain doctrines, or rather items of ante-deluvian (sp. antediluvian) history, now believed by the Church, and have tried to justify myself in taking an opposite view, on the supposition that I was supported by the letter of the word of God: but as often as I have yielded to this influence I have felt an indescribable wretchedness which fully convinces me that I am wrong; I wish to repent of these wrongs for I fully realize that my sins, in this respect, have been very great, and of long continuance, and that it has been only through your great forbearance and long suffering, and the patience of my quorum, that I have been continued in the high and responsible calling of the Apostleship to this day.

"I am deeply sensible that I have greatly sinned against you...

"Orson Pratt, Sen."

[Letter from Orson Pratt to President Young, cf/1325/Bx 4/fd 3/loose; Salt lake City; July 1, 1868, in Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthly Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]

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