110 years ago today - May 10, 1911

[Joseph Fielding Smith]
I was in council with the quorum of the Twelve Apostles all day in the Temple where we met with Brother Matthias F. Cowley to investigate matters pertaining to him and his alleged activity in

performing plural marriages. He was very frank and confessed his shortcomings in this regard answering all questions required of him and manifesting a spirit of sorrow and confessing his error in the performing of plural marriages contrary to the rule of the church. H asked for forgiveness and expressed a willingness and desire to be in harmony with the authorities of the Church. The session lasted all day, and after his departure from the meeting each of the brethren present expressed his candid views in the case. ... Seven of the brethren were in favor of showing leniency to Bro[ther]. Cowley, because of his frankness and request for forgiveness, and were of the opinion that no punishment, more than he had received should be measured out to him. President Lyman, Charles W. Penrose and Geo[rge] F. Richards were of the opinion that he should be punished by being disfellowshipped.

[Joseph Fielding Smith, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

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