[Brigham Young]
He further observed this Government would spend $100,000 to cheat him out of $5.00. The Government had pursued a course like that, and the Government might suffer his line of wire to be cut down and grant him no redress or they might buy it of him. He could not depend upon them; He had been Governor here for some time, and the course the Government had pursued, had compelled him to come to this conclusion. He knew the reason why this Government was in trouble, they had killed Joseph Smith and then they would have to pay for it as the Jews did in killing Jesus. The President said the Freemasons had sanctioned the Killing of Joseph. He told them he could save the nation, but they ought did not believe it. Joseph Smith knew more about the Government than all the Presidents put together that Ever sat in chair of State. Jackson County was the place where the Garden of Eden was. The President further remarked, There is no union in the North or in the South. The nation must crumble to nothing. They charged us with being rebels and rebels they will have in their Government. South Carolina has committed treason and if Prest. Buchanan had been a Smart man he would have hung up the first man who rebelled in South Carolina. -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
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