175 years ago today - Jan 1, 1846

[Brigham Young]
Verily thus saith the voice of the Spirit to you: This is mine holy house which I have caused to be built in my holy name. Therefore let no person go forth in the dance unless they will covenant to separate themselves from the world and never again mingle in their society nor participate in their mirth or amusements from this time forth and for ever. I have sent children here and should they transcend these bounds they may expect to meet the frowns of an affectionate Father that holds the Keys of the Priesthood. Mirth and recreation belong to the people of God. It does not belong to the unbelievers and they participate in them they usurp that privilege or prerogative that belongs to the saints alone. Now dance and enjoy yourselves but first learn to reverence and advance the Name of the most high in all your devotions and recreation.

[Seventies Record Minutes, B 177, in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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