[Vision of Ann Booth]
I was informed of a remarkable vision of Sister Ann Booth which I have written on the following page. ...
A Remarkable Vision
I Ann Booth wife of Robert Booth of the Town of Manchester England had the following vision on the 12th Day of March in the year of our Lord 1840.
Being Carried away in a vision to the place of departed souls I saw {12} prision one above another vary large & builded of Soiled Stone. On ariving at the door of the uppermost prision, I beheld one of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb who had been martered in America Standing at the door of the prision holding a key with which he unlocked the door & went in & I followed him.
He appeared to be of a large size thick set, Dark hair Dark eyes & eyebrows of a smileing Countenance, & on his head was a Crown of Gold or sumthing brighter. He was Dressed in a long white robe with the sleeves plaited from the Sholder to the hand. Upon his breast were four stars + * * * apparrently like gold and a golden gridle about his loins. His feet were bear from above the ancles downwards, and his hands were also bear. As he entered the prision he seemed to stand about 3 feet from the floor (which was of Marble) as if the place was not worthy for him to stand upon. A vary brilient and glorious light Serrounded him while the rest of the Prision was dark. But his light was peculiar to himself & did not reflect upon others who were in the Prison who were surrounded with a gloom of darkness.
On the right hand near the door stood John Westley who on seeing the glorious Personage raised both hands & shouted Glory, honor, Praise, & Power be asscribed unto God & the Lamb forever & forever. Deliverance has Come. The Apostle then Commenced to Preach the Baptism of repentance for remission of Sins and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, when the hunderds of Prisoners gave a shout with a loud voice Saying Glory be to God forever & ever.
The marble floor was then removed & a river of water Clear as Cristle seemed to flow in its place. The Apostle then Called to John Westley by name who came forward quickley and both went down into the water & he Baptized him & coming up out of the water he laid hands on him for the gift of the Holy Ghost at the same time ordaining him to the Priesthood of Aaron.
The Apostle then retired to the place whare he stood at first and John Westley then proceded to Baptize A man by the name of Killham the leader of the New Connection of Methodist and next John Madison & then Scott, & John Tongue. The three latter were Methodist Preachers with whom I had formerly been acquainted. The next he Baptized was my Grandfather (Edmund Whitehead) & the next was my uncle (John Whitehead) & the next was my sister (Elizabeth Oiland) & next Joseph Lancashire & next Samuel Robinson & then next was my own Mother. All these had lived & died Methodist & I had been personally acquainted with them all. And after this he Baptized all the prisoners amounting to many hundreds.
After they were all Baptized the Apostle laid his hands on them & Confirmed them evry one. Then instantly the darkness dispersed & they were all Surrounded & envelloped in A Brilient light such as surrounded the Apostle at the first & they all lifted their voices with one accord giving glory to God for deliverance.
My Grandfather then Came to me & blessed me saying the Lord bless the forever & ever. Art thou come to see us deliverd? My mother then came to me & clasped me in her arms & kissed me three times & said the Lord Allmighty bless thee forever & ever.
I then awoke out of the Vision & felt so happy & overjoyed that I knew not how to remain in bed. But waking my husband we arose & taking the Bible I opened Providentially to the text Isaiah 24th they shall be gathered together &c. More & more astonished, I again opened the Bible to the 1st of St John The light shineth in darkness &c. And again the third time I opened it & immediately cast my eyes upon the 3d chapter of Peter 18, 19, 20 speaking of the spirits in Prison. Being before ignorant of these texts & opening upon each Providentially I was asstonished beyound measure.
I would further state that at the time I had this vision I had never herd of the Death of David W. Patten whom I have since learned was one of the Twelve Apostles of the Latter Day Saints in America & was slain in the late persecution in the fall of 1838. But in the Vision I knew it was an Apostle who had been slain in America.
Perhaps many will think lightly of this vision But I hereby Sollemnly testify that I actaully Saw & herd in a vision what I have here related & I give my name & set my seal in witness to the Same well knowing that I must stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ & answer for this Testimony.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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