150 years ago today - May 7, 1870 (Morning, Conference)

[Brigham Young Sermon]
It is no matter with regard to the monogamy of father Adam and mother Eve, they were just enough to start the work of populating the earth. If man had lived as he ought to have lived, the earth would have been peopled quite soon enough, and to its utmost capacity, but there is enough upon it now; and if men will hearken to, obey the truth, and will cease their adulterous practices and whoredoms, cease their wickedness with the sex, and repent of their sins, we will fling up at once and will have but one wife; and if there are two or three women left with-out husbands, we will give them to the best man we can find. The reason the Lord requires His people to practice the principle of celestial marriage is to save those who are willing to be saved;

[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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