170 years ago today - Aug 12, 1846

[Hosea Stout]
The whole "Camp of Israel" was now Divided into two grand divisions that is Brighams Company the first and Hebers company the second division.

It was to day divided into sub divisions by order of the council and Brigham came around to day dividing it off and set me to making out a roll of one of these Sub divisions to be ready for organizing this evening which was done by a meeting called by the President and a Forman apointed to each sub-division who was to have the charge of all the men & boys in his sub division and all were to work under him & he be subject to the council. Thus all the force of the camp could easily be called into requisition by the council to advantage

I was in the Fourth sub-division in the First Grand division of the Camp of Israel and Welcome Chapman was appointed Foreman. There was ten sub-divisions in the First Grand Division.

[Source: Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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