165 years ago today - Jul 23, 1851 (Council Meeting)

[Brigham Young]
"There is not a man in the Senate or House who is perfect - to be told that I must do this or that I will just as soon cut their throat - to say we have got all over the mountains again - I wont bear it and wont bear the insults of any two penny man - I will do my duty and no one shall put his nose in my dish - I would rather stand up and cut throats than suffer law suits and technicalities so help me the Gods - I will take my sword and cut them down... Bigger men than you have been abused - I am for right and righteousness - I am of the righteousness of heaven ... If you [Almon Babbitt] interfere with any of my dictation in the elections it will be the last - now I don't want to hear you say this is not right and that is not right, you are nothing but a stinking politician ... - you acknowledge to say that Mormonism is my controller - any man who interferes with nasty smearing will be daub himself ... - Now Brother Babbitt don't go off with bad feelings... I am sorry for that - I wish you had kept it to pay for your grog - You put yourself in a position to make us bow to you. I ask you what you have to do with our elections? You say it is illegal. I say damn it - that is your foolery - ... if your law questions is correct our election must be overturned - I just wont have the election postponed two weeks ... Why could not you say that it was not any of your business to dictate about the elections - you are shitting in my dish and I will kick (you) out and you all [-]." -- Salt Lake City

[Source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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