115 years ago today - Wednesday, Jul 10, 1901

[Rudger Clawson]
Continuation of the quarterly conference of the Twelve. ...

Apostle Reed Smoot was the first speaker. Topics treated. Reported that the reorganization of the Summit Stake was now complete with the exception of two wards. Conditions in that stake have been very bad. Almost a total disregard of the word of wisdom. There is a tendency among the young people of that stake, also the Utah Stake, and perhaps with other stakes, to commit themselves before marriage, and this is a matter, he felt, that should have the special attention of the Twelve....

One of the greatest evils prevailing in Cardston today is whiskey drinking, and Apostle Jno. W. Taylor is making an effort to get prohibition laws for that district of country. Recommended that the elders be withdrawn from Butte and Anaconda, Montana, as there is a total lack of interest in the gospel and no spirit of investigation on the part of the people in those places.

Apostle Anthon H. Lund. ... Spoke of the evil of marriage outside of the temple, in cases where the parties had been previously sealed over the altar. In referring to certain conditions that exist among us said that at times it seems that a wave of immorality sweeps over Zion. In a certain ward in San Pete Stake sometime ago, the bishop informed him that out of 12 marriages during a period of six months 7 were forced. ...

Apostle Heber J. Grant. Topics treated. ... Spoke strongly against the selling of liquor at Saltair, and so long as it is done, felt, he said, that we were responsible in a great measure for the wave of immorality sweeping over Zion. ...

Apostle Geo. Teasdale. Topics treated. Felt aggrieved in his mind that we have to talk sometimes as we do. Pres. Snow is our file leader, and we do not always know the ins and outs of every question, or the motives that prompt him, but this we do know that as a quorum we were opposed to the selling of liquor at Saltair; but there is an evil practiced at Saltair almost if not as great as liquor, and that is the indiscriminate association of the sexes in bathing....

[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

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