140 years ago today - Apr 27, 1875

Missionary and future apostle John Henry Smith records in his journal: "Chester Call had been perpetrating a fearfull outrage upon a 12 year old daughter of Bro. Scott. The letter was shown to Bro. Call, and he owned to the fact that he had put his hand under her clothes and fingered her privates. The brethren decided that Bro. Call should stop away from meeting on Sunday which he did. On Monday Bros. Lyman and MacFarland went and saw the parents of the child, who told substantially the same story as bro. Call with the exception that the child said he put his finger up her three times. . . . Bro. Call did not try to go any farther in this affair. He went away from the House and was gone three days and returned to Bro. Scotts and asked them to forgive him and they said they would." Chester Call is sent "home as soon as possible."

[Source: On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

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