Today in Mormon History - Apr 01

Today in Mormon History ...

Neal Chandler's elders' quorum president calls him as instructor. Chandler "suggests that for complicated historical reasons this was probably not a good idea." The president insists. The entire bishopric, two high councilors, and a counselor from the stake presidency attend the meeting. One vigorously challenges virtually every point, despite the elders' quorum president's characterization of the lesson as "completely uncontroversial." The quorum president affirms that he wants Chandler to continue and will "get back to him," but Chandler is never asked to teach the class again. (1)
-- 25 years ago - Spring 1985.

The first general conference to be held in the new Conference Center convened, with more than 400,000 requests for free tickets, far exceeding the 21,000-seat capacity of the hall. (2)
-- 10 years ago - Apr 1, 2000-2

Solemn assembly sustains newly ordained Gordon B. Hinckley as LDS president, first time in Mormon history that solemn assemblies have sustained two new presidents within six-month period. For first time, females are asked to vote according to their auxiliary membership, Young Women (ages 12 to 18) and Relief Society (age 18+), in imitation of traditional voting-pattern for males according to their priesthood quorums. Announcement of end of Regional Representative calling, effective Aug 15, to be replaced by Area Authorities. These officers will be high priests serving without financial compensation for six years, while they "continue their current employment, [and] reside in their own homes." Number of Area authorities is intended to be substantially smaller than 284 Regional Representatives serving at this date. (3)
-- 15 years ago - Apr 1, 1995

1 - Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1
2 - Church News: Historical chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
3 - On This Day in Mormon History,

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