45 years ago today - Feb 1, 1980

Consolidated meeting plan announced for meeting a three-hour time block on Sunday in the United States and Canada. This replaced the Sunday morning Sunday Schools and the Sunday evening Sacrament Meetings. Such long-standing traditions as the Sunday School's half-hour opening exercises was eliminated, as well as the administration of the Sacrament during the opening exercises of the Junior Sunday School when it was amalgamated with the Primary. Auxiliary meetings formerly held on weekdays now were held on Sundays. One block was reserved for Sacrament Meeting; and second block for Sunday School and Primary; and the third block for Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Men and Young women, with Primary continuing through the third block. Individual units could decide whether to begin or end with Sacrament Meeting. Only weekly youth activity nights, monthly Release Society homemaking meetings, or occasional activities for children were held on weekdays. Although the new plan had obvious
energy-saving advantages, the First Presidency and explained that a more basic consideration was to give families more time for Scripture study and activities at home. Later in the year the oversees the establishment of the consolidated meeting schedule was also adopted.

[Correlation Timeline, Compiled by Lisle Brown]

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