15 years ago today - Fall 2009

"At Bonneville Communications, our ability to touch the hearts and minds of audiences makes us an essential resource for organizations with vital messages. For more than 30 years, our creative professionals have designed public service and direct response messages for national nonprofit organizations such as the Huntsman Cancer Institute, Boy Scouts of America, National Hospice Foundation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and The Salvation Army. Our unique strength is the ability to touch the hearts and minds of our audiences, evoking first feeling, then thought and, finally, action. We call this uniquely powerful brand of creative "HeartSell"® - strategic emotional advertising that stimulates response. ... We are an advertising agency engaged in communications for quality life. Our people are driven by the belief that advertising can - and should - be a powerful, positive influence on the values and lives of people."

[Statement from Bonneville Communications']

30 years ago today - Oct 01, 1994

Patricia Peterson Pinegar is called as the ninth general president of the Primary, with Anne G. Wirthlin and Susan L. Warner as counselors.

35 years ago today - Oct 1, 1989

Eight men are honorably released from the recently established Second Quorum of the Seventy, cease to be general authorities, but do not have the "emeritus" status of those released from the First Quorum of the Seventy. This administrative difference continues to today.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

50 years ago today - Oct 1, 1974-Tuesday

[Leonard Arrington]
.... In the discussion afterwards Wendell Ashton mentioned two or three things that were very interesting. The single most ticklish problem for the Church in terms of public communications, he said, is the problem of the Negro and the priesthood. He said it is his impression that we are getting tighter on the issue rather than more lenient. President [Harold B.] Lee in his statement on the issue had included the sentence, "We have always believed that at some time the Negro will be given the priesthood." He said President [Spencer W.] Kimball's suggestion and those of his associates is that this be modified to read, "Some day the Negro may be given the priesthood." He [Wendell Ashton] said President Lee, in giving him his call, which President Lee emphasized was a Church service call, said the advantage of having him was that he could make statements which could later be repudiated if necessary by the First Presidency. On the Negro issue they have insisted that he, Wendell Ashton,
make the statement. President Kimball has followed that same policy.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

85 years ago today - Oct 1, 1939

[President Heber J. Grant]
She is living with her daughter, Bessie Badger Higgs. Bessie's husband married her contrary to the Manifesto, notwithstanding I had warned him time and time again when he was the Secretary of the European Mission, that it is all wrong to take another wife since the Manifesto, especially since John W. Taylor and Matthias Cowley had been deposed as apostles. I gave her husband my word that if the day ever came that a man could legitimately get another wife with the approval of the Church, I would tell him so. His brother-in-law, Ralph Badger, gave him a 'thrashing.'

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

110 years ago today - Oct 1, 1914; Thursday

[James E. Talmage]
Attended Council meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve in the Temple. This was Fast Day among us, and the meeting included the partaking of the Sacrament. The day is one we shall not soon forget.

[James E. Talmage, Diary]

110 years ago today - Oct 1, 1914; Thursday

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
.... Bro[ther]. Talmage had no appointment. Was engaged the greater part of Sunday writing on his work, "Jesus the Christ." ...

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

170 years ago today - Oct 1, 1854 (Evening)

[Brigham Young Sermon]
Orson Pratt had a discussion with President Young, who explains about Adam begetting Christ after he had received his exaltation & that all have got to become Adams upon some Earth or other.

... Christ is our Elder Brother, and God is the father of our spirits, as well as of the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ; He is the God of the Savior, and He is our God, He is his Father and He is our Father, and we are brethren and are all one in Christ, if we are His servants; and we shall be exalted to the same power, glory, and exaltation with our Elder Brother. ...

[Historians Office Journal, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah; [Leonard J. Arrington Papers, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.. (A reference reading LJA 12-55-5, 10, means LJA Series 12, Box 55, Folder 5, page 10.) 12-55-7, 10; Brigham Young Collection, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - Oct 1, 1844

AN EPISTLE OF THE TWELVE 'To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-Greeting: Dear Brethren:...The Temple, as a great and glorious public work, immediately connected with the completion of our preparation, and ordinances, touching our salvation and exaltation, and that of our dead, necessarily claims our first, and most strict attention. And we rejoice to say for the encouragement of all, that its walls are now ready to receive the capitals, and the arches of the upper story windows; and in fact, seven of the capitals are already reared. The timbers are also being framed, and reared on the inside. In short it is progressing with a rapidity which is truly astonishing.

The gathering, next claims our attention as a work of salvation, to be accomplished in wisdom and prudence. Your Prophets and Apostles, have often told you, that the saints cannot gather together in large numbers, and be able to enjoy the comforts and necessaries of life...

If the saints will commence and follow out this plan, and lay out their cash for the raw material, and employ their friends and themselves at home, instead of sending away all our cash for manufactured goods, we can soon produce millions of wealth, and the poor will have no cause of complaint...

Let the saints now send in their young men who are strong to labor, together with money, provisions, clothing, tools, teams, and every necessary means, such as they know they will want when they arrive, for the purpose of forwarding this work.

Brethren, bring all your tithings into the storehouse and prove the Lord, and see if he will not pour out a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive.

Yes, brethren, we verily know and bear testimony, that a cloud of blessing and of endowment, and of the keys of the fulness of the priesthood, and of things pertaining to eternal life, is hanging over us, and ready to burst upon us; ...

we wish to suppress all grogshops, gambling houses, and all other disorderly houses or proceedings in our city, and to tolerate no intemperance or vice in our midst. And so far at least as the members of the church are concerned, we would advise that balls, dances, and other vain and useless amusements be neither countenanced nor patronized;...

But it is not now a time for dancing or frolics but a time of mourning, and of humiliation and prayer.

... [Signed] BRIGHAM YOUNG. President.'

[1844-October 1-DHC 7:280-283; Clark, James R., Messages of the First Presidency (6 volumes)]

190 years ago today - Oct. 1-15, 1834

Joseph works on the Lord's house. He decides to stop printing the Evening and Morning Star, as it was intended as a Missouri paper, and in its place, the Latter-day Saint Messenger and Advocate will be published. In the first issue, Oliver Cowdery makes a list of seven Latter-day Saint articles of faith. This magazine will be published until September 1837.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]