75 years ago today - Apr 1, 1949

(April) Society for Early Historic Archaeology at Brigham Young Univeristy is the first organized effort to promote the study of Book of Mormon archaeology since the BYA expedition of 1900-02. Similar efforts have been the New World Archaeological Foundation (1952), Foundation for Research on Ancient America (RLDS-sponsored, 1966), Zarahemla Research Foundation (RLDS-affiliated, 1978), Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (F.A.R.M.S., 1979), and the Anceint America Foundation (1994). In 1995, F.A.R.M.S. signs a "protocol" to formalize their relationship with BYU and allow its publications in tenure ("continuing status") decisions for faculty. F.A.R.M.S. begins construction of its own large office building and research facility in Provo in 1995.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

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