15 years ago today - 4/5/2009

[Same-Sex Marriage]
Elder Dallin H. Oaks mentions Proposition 8 issues in Sunday afternoons General Conference session, noting that Latter-day Saints are renowned for their ability to unite in service toward a common goal, comparing the work of early pioneers, modern "Helping Hand" service and recent political campaigns to defend marriage which, for some, involved "great sacrifice and continuing personal pain." Members' work at Church teaches them how to benefit the larger community, so LDS volunteers are in great demand in many areas. "No outside copying of our organization and no application of blind obedience could duplicate the record of this Church or the performance of its members." He notes that those who fail to perform selfless service are perhaps caught in Satan's traps or focused on "things of the world" not the Lord's standards.

[Mormons for Marriage: A Prop 8 Timeline, http://mormonsformarriage.com/?page_id=68]

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