135 years ago today - Apr 5, 1889

[Following Wilford Woodruff's announcement that the Lord had inspired him to call George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith as his counselors] Moses Thatcher said that he was glad to hear that the Lord had manifested to Prest. Woodruff that Prest. Cannon should be one of his Counselors and that he regretted that he had not also manifested the same to him, but as he had had no manifestation he should accept the one to Prest Woodruff and Snow, and he hoped that he would get the manifestation for himself at some future time.

Said that there was some of the people that lacked confidence in some of Prest. Cannon's financial moves.

Lorenzo Snow said that he did not doubt the statement of Bro. Thatcher but that made no difference as the same feelings existed against the Prophet Joseph, against Brigham Young and every other man that done his duty. Wilford Woodruff will not escape as some of the people will be sure to find fault with his administration.

Geo. Q. Cannon said that the remarks made by Moses confirms me in my position that I should not be selected as one of the Counselors of Prest. Woodruff. ...

Wilford Woodruff said that he knew that Prest. Cannon had the confidence of the saints. We spent three days and nights about a year ago confessing brother Cannon's sins and nothing that was brought up against him stood and I dont feel like going over that ground again.

Brigham Young said that he could not understand the position of Bro. Moses as he had said that he acknowledged that the mind and will of the Lord had come to us through the President and then he had brought up things that were passed such an action on Moses' part hurt his feelings and were some thing that he could not understand.

Joseph F. Smith said that he felt a little childish and that it was hard for him to control his feeling (there were tears in his eyes and voice also as he spoke) so that he could express his sentiments. If he had the choice to go to China or to be one of the counselors of the President of the church he would prefer the mission to China. He did not want any position in the church, but he was willing to work he was satisfied that the Lord was with Prest. Woodruff in his selection of Bro Cannon and he could sustain him with all of his heart, and he was glad of the privilege to sustain both Bros. Woodruff and Cannon. Did not think that we should cast Moses out of our affections simply because he had not had the manifestation that Prest. Cannon was called of the Lord. ...

Heber J. Grant said that he did not think that brother Young was justified in making the remarks that he had done regarding Moses I did not think that there was any blame attached to a man simply because he did not have a manifestation of the Lord on some subject. ....

The vote on the counselors was put and unanimously carried.

[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

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