190 years ago today - Dec 2, 1833

[Peter Ingersoll]
"I picked up a small stone and was careless tossing it from one hand to the other. ' No, said the old man, it is of great worth; and upon this I gave it to him. ' He then put the stone which I had given him, into his hat, and stooping forward, he bowed and made sundry maneuvers, quite similar to those of a stool pigeon. At length he took down his hat, and being very much exhausted, said, in a faint voice, "if you knew what I had seen, you would believe."

[Peter Ingersoll affidavit, 2 December 183, as quoted in A Topical Guide of Treasure-Seeking Rituals From the American Northeast during the 18th and 19th Centuries, Compiled by Joseph T. Antley (2010)]

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