175 years ago today - Dec 3, 1848

[Hosea Stout]
In a letter from George A. Smith we learn that on the 4th of July last the people of Nauvoo borrowed a cannon from Carthage to celebrate the day & that night it left & was only tracked to the river where no doubt it passed through the cerimonies of immersion & he thought it would be wending its way west in search of new adventures. ...

A Proclamation was read from [apostle] Lyman Wight & Bishop George Miller, Calling on all the people to geather to them on the Rio Colerado about 75 miles from Austin Texas. [Joseph Smith had charged Wight with finding an area for the saints to settle in Texas.] It is a long document & contains some foul insinuations against the Twelve. It breaths a dishonest, low, and mean, Spirit and was recieved as such by the saints both here & at the Bluffs

Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmore & W. E. Mc[.] Lelland were trying to raise up the kingdom again. also William Smith. But the "Sound of their grinding is low"They are all waiting for the Twelve & Presidncy to fall.

After the news was read the case of Lyman [Wight] was taken up and he & all who were with him were cut off from the church as the Saints at the Bluffs also done at the conference.

In the evening I went to the Council. ... The president [Brigham Young] explained the object of the exploring expidition now being raise. which was to look out a good place to locate a settlement on the gulf & California & a road from thence to this place.

[Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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