45 years ago today - Aug 8, 1978-Tuesday

[Leonard Arrington]
Elder [G. Homer] Durham came in today to say that he had his monthly meeting with Elder [Gordon B.] Hinckley and Elder [Boyd K.] Packer from the Quorum of the Twelve. ... Elder Durham discussed with them the Relief Society history and they discussed two alternative procedures. (a) Having us write it with the assistance of the Relief Society; (b) Having the Relief Society assigned to write it with our assistance. If the latter should be determined, they recommended Belva Ashton to do it. ...

Elder Durham also brought up the matter that I had taken to him earlier about the passage in Nephi in the Book of Mormon which in the first and second editions used the phrase "white and delightsome" and in the third edition "revised by the prophet" [Joseph Smith] used the phrase "pure and delightsome." [[The verse (2 Ne. 30:6) refers to people in the Book of Mormon who had been "dark and loathsome" (1 Ne. 12:23) prior to their conversion to the ancient-American version of Jesus' gospel.]] Elder Packer was delighted to note this as did Elder Hinckley, and they both plan to take it to the Twelve and see if the Twelve would agree to making that change in the current edition of the Book of Mormon.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

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