140 years ago today - Aug 4, 1883; Saturday

[Anthony Ivins]
On Wednesday, Aug. 1. Bro. [Milson] Pratt went from Bro. Za- rates house in Ozumba to the principle plaza with the intention of preaching to the large number of people who were gathered there, it being market day. Bro. Zarate warned him not to do so, as it is against the law to have any religious ceremony outside of a house of worship, but to no avail. Finding that he was determined to go Bro. Lino went with him. Arrived at the plaza bro. Pratt, standing before the door of the Catholic Church began to preach. A tumult was created and the brethren were driven away with stones several of which struck them. Bro. Pratt was arrested and taken to prison and later Bro. Zarate was also imprisoned. They were kept in prison two nights and a day at Ozumba and then taken to Chalco where we found them. The only offense committed by bro. Lino was having Bro. Pratt in his house and being present when the latter preached, but notwithstanding this, and the fact that the judge was quite will- ing to release Bro Pratt on payment of a fine, he absolutely refused to release Bro. Lino on any terms.

[Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins]

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