130 years ago today - Aug 3, 1893

[Francis M. Lyman]
The burden of our prayers was for the relief financially so that Z[ions] S[avings] B[ank] and Trust Co[mpany]. and State Bank may not have to close their doors. We freelyacknowledged there is no human ability can save those institutions except the Lord guide them. ... Pres[ident] [George Q.] Cannon then reported fully his efforts in London to raise money and was unsuccessful. The fact that Cannon Grant and Co[mpany]. are staggering under the weight of the sugar factory with fair prospects that they would succumb. It was asked that the Trustee and Trust take up the load as it was shouldered by Cannon Grant and Co[mpany]. to raise the money to build the factory when it could not be raised by the church. I moved that the Trustees in Trust relieve Cannon and Grant & Co[mpany]. by taking up the lead and giving Trustee in Trust notes secured by Sugar Factory notes. Seconded by Pres[ident] L[orenzo]. Snow and carried unanimously. If this can be properly done it may save Cannon Grant & Co[mpany]. who have jeopardized all they have on earth to carry out the inspiration of the Lord through President [Wilford] Woodruff and his Counselors.

[Francis M. Lyman Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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