130 years ago today - Aug 11, 1893

[Wilford Woodruff to William Evans]
[I see] that your father died without having heard the gospel, and that your mother, in 1872, was sealed to him; and that in 1889, desiring the ordinance of adoption attended to, she wanted to be sealed over again, and that Pres[iden]t [Daniel H.] Wells said it could not be done, and advised that your mother be sealed to some good man, and her children adopted to him, etc. In regard to this I would say that I take it for granted that you fully appreciate the risk which a woman runs in being sealed to a man, who is dead, who had not received the gospel; and appreciating this I feel to allow your mother her own choice in the matter, but I see no reason whatever for a repetition of the sealing ordinance. In the event, however, of her allowing the sealing to remain uncancelled and you being adopted to your father I would advise that you, immediately after the adoption, have your father adopted to some good faithful man, dead or alive.

[Wilford Woodruff to William H. Evans, Aug. 11, 1893, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

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