80 years ago today - Jul 10, 1942

[George F. Richards]
I attended the Quarterly meeting of the Twelve from 8:30 A.M. to about 1:00 P.M.

On this occasion the Lord blessed me in a wonderful way.

I presented reasons why the Patriarchal line should be changed to follow Hyrum Smiths younger Son, Joseph Fielding Smith's line rather than to continue in the older brother Johns' line.

1-Because Pres. Grant desires it so.

2-Because Pres. Grant is right

3-Because the younger brother's line is more faithful, more worthy, more and better qualified, stronger in character, more populous, a patriarchal quality, &c

4-Justification Rev. 107:40 The Lord says this priesthood or order of the priesthood was confirmed to be handed down father to Son. He does not say the first born Son.

5-Precedents: Isaac was not the first born son of Abraham. Jacob was not the first born son of Isaac: Joseph was not the first born son of Jacob. Ephraim was not the first born of his father Joseph

6-Compare John & Joseph F. and their families. Is not there just cause for changing to the younger son? For similar causes the first born of earlier times were rejected and the younger son chosen.

7-We are not as a council, in harmony with the President, having recommended the Son of Hyrum G. Smith. For ten years the President has waited for us to reconsider, he having repeatedly told us that he could not get the inspiration to choose whom we have recommended.

8-There is in the Joseph Smith line a man who is clean living, faithful, worthy a handsome man of fine personality, cheerful & happy disposition, such as would draw people to him for blessing. And he has sons from whom may be chosen a worthy successor.

[George F. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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