[Patriarchal Blessing]
Benjamin Clopson Ellsworth. (Given by Joseph Smith, Sen.)
. . . the blessing which I confer on thee is after the same [?] of blessing which Melchisidick conferd on Abraham on the way from the battle of the ten Kings . . .
. . . Thou must pass through great tribulation and affliction it [shall?] be thy Lot to suffer persecution--Thou shall be put under Bond as Paul was--it is the will of the Lord that thou shodest be brought before Magistrates for A Testimony--thou shall be brought before Kings and Potentates of the Earth--thy Life shall be put in Jeopardy insomuch as thou shall be in prison thou shalt Call upon the Lord as Paul and Timothy did and he will deliver thee. The doors of the prision shall be opened and thou shalt be set free--[?] and Riots shall assault thee . . . if thou dost put thy trust in God they shall not prevail against thee many of [?] Enemies shall pursue after thee. God will give thee power to call down fire from Heaven as Elijah did upon his Enimies thy Life shall be precious in the Sight of God. If thou wilt put thy trust in God no power shall prevail against thee. Thou shalt have power to stand on a planet and proclaim the gosple--thou shalt be as Michal the Archangle in many [??] convince thousands of the truth, and shall have power to slay thousands thou shalt ere long preside over a stake of Zion its inhabitants shall love thee thou shalt be instrumental in the salvation of souls, thou shalt be blest with posterity thy children shall stand from Generation to Generation thou shalt stand on a Great planet the one nearest to the Celestial world Called Colob and preach the gospel to its inhabitants--thou shalt preach the gospel to the inhabitants of the Earth--thou shalt stand on the earth in the flesh and [see?] Jesus Christ come in the clouds of Heaven Thou shalt witness the winding up scene of this Generation in the distruction of the wicked and see the salvation of the righteous and the geathering of the House of Israel I place a seal on thee that the Enemy may not have power over thee I seal this blessing on thy head I seal thee up to Eternal Life on conditions of keeping thee commandments and the words of Wisdom . . ."
[From photocopy of notes, referencing the RLDS Archives, in Selected LDS Patriarchal Blessings, New Mormon Studies CD ROM, Signature Book, 2009, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
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