175 years ago today - Mar 15, 1846

[Hosea Stout]
Sunday March the 15th 1846. Several of the guard and others returned to Nauvoo this morning, & several and in fact the majority of the guard who had reported to return gave up the idea and resolved to go untill they had fulfilled their mission and were regularly discharged by the order of the camp regulation.

I called a meeting of the Guard in a hollow North of the camp in the timber and taught them on the disorder resulting from persons continually running to President B. Young for advice & council about matters which has already been laid down for some were in the habit of doing so[.] I was also compelled to speak again about Charles Allen Capt of the 3rd 50 for he here commenced another system of disobedience. As in the first place on Flat rock run he would not work neither allow his men to do sonow in as much as he concluded to work he took jobs of work and done them with his own men and kept the pay and even went so far as to exact money from those who were under the necessity of using any thing which he had they procured and his men often told me that he kept the money that he got and never let them have any of it all of which caused great dissatisfaction in the guard. He not content with thus instilling a spirit of insubordination among us but he also set up a line of grumbling at every that was done and would frequently go to B Young for council when my council did not suit him but in no instance did he ever get council different from what I give not withstanding it did not stop his grumblingso on this occasion I took up his course of conduct and exposed it to the guard & let them know that I disapproved it as much as they and also told them that he had the Spirit dissension and warmed them not to partake of it and for those who were under his command to leave him forth with if he did not Speedily retract and return to his duty.which they all agreed to do.

At Eleven oclock a general meeting was held by the camp. Elders H. G. Sherwood and Truman Gillett preached. The meeting was attended by a number of Gentiles. I did not attend the meeting but was engaged at company business the rest part of the day. It was a very windy daymy tent blew down several times.

In the evening I had a meeting of Archd Beers Company the same company which S. Gully had made such a display with. They seemed to have caught his Spirit and disappointed the expectations of all who depended on them.

Some of them stubbornly vindicated their tardy course which caused me to give them a severe repramand & lay down the rules in pointed terms before they would come to the proper Spirit but at last they all agreed to do their duty henceforth cherfully and promtly and all was order and quiet. No more to night.

[Diaries of Hosea Stout]

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