165 years ago today - Aug 12, 1855

[Minutes of the Twelve Apostles]
Twelve met in the Presidents Office upper room. ...

[BY] I do not /[k]no[w]/ but /some/ Spirits may be confused & get into wrong tabernacles when they come here. I believe those stereotyped, will advance & go ahead in time'... T[homas] B[ullock] read Joseph's dream of 3 Feb 1844.

B Y[:] I think Jos[eph] had another dream & Hy[rum]- was with him on a Steam boat. Willard was there & wrote both the dreams.

J M G[:] Jos[eph] said I dont intend to do any thing but preside over the Conference. and live on the Mound Farm and make the 12 do all the business of the Ch[urch. H]e said a dozen times, Iam willing to die for my friends. [A]nd [he] told me to tell the Gov[erno]r. just what God puts into your heart. [W]hen I ret[urne]d. at 4 next morn[ing]. I told him not to go for they will try to kill you. [W]hen he was go[ing] he said, I do not [k]no[w] that I will see you ag[ai]n. [O]ver 40 of us were going and see him on the 26[th] but he sent word for us not to go. I rem[em]ber his looks. [H]e made use of the expressn several times, I am go[ing], as a lamb to the slaughter. Jos[ep]h sent J[ohn] S Fullmer to Nauvoo in the morning at 4. I rem[em]ber crying when praying and could not tell what for.

B Y[: T]here was a great darkness over the p[eo]pl[e] at the time. [It was] enquire[d] of J M G fuller particulars & J M B.

J M B[:] I was in Jail on 26 when they took him by force to the Court house. I said emphatically, dont go, but in a short time he was escorted by the Military to the Court House. I dont think Jos[eph] ever had any idea that he sho[ul]d. return alive to Nauvoo. Dr. R. & myself rode in the car. Jos[eph] rode Jo Duncan & said I am going as a Lamb to the Slaughrer but I have a conscience void of offence to the God and man.

J M G[: S]ince then I have not seen a minute but to bel[ieve] that it could not be averted. [L]ike Jesus it had to be done.

B Y[:] I told the p[eo]pl[e] all things have been done accord[ing]. to the wisdom of Him who knoweth all things and ask him about it.

J M G[: W]hen the Dr returned he was perfectly cool. and before he left Carthage. Prayed President Young sung 'Come ye that love the Lord' Pres[iden]t. ... -

B Y[: T]hey /(U S Congress)/ will try to repeal the fugitive slave law, next session. J M G[: T]hat will break up the union.

H C K[:] When that /(Mesmerism)/ goes, something worse will come. ...

[Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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