120 years ago today - Jul 11, 1900; Wednesday

[Brigham Young Jr.]
Excellent meetings and I am sure that the Quorum is thoroughly united. It seems a little difficult for the brethren to define just how much they shall recognise me as president of the Twelve not all of them pray for "President [Brigham] Young [Jr.]" but lump me with the quorum after pleading earnestly for the first Presidency. I am not worthy of the honor I already have from the Lord. I consider that Bro[ther]. Jos[eph]. F. Smith is a far better man that I have ever been. I have done many foolish nearly wicked things--acts, that I am sorry for and have repented of. God has not thrown me away--borne with all patience my sins of omission & commission for he does manifest by His spirit His will unto me frequently, hence I know that my prayers are heard, and I weep with joy to know that He has not forsake me. How Gracious how kind to me a sinner. I could never have kept my covenants but He came to my rescue and I was saved from plunging into a fathomless depths; all praise & thanksgiving to the majesty on high who has redeemed my soul form despair. Help

me Lord to show my gratitude every hour of my life—existence.

[Brigham Young Jr., Diary]

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