160 years ago today - May 10, 1857 (Afternoon)

[Brigham Young]
With regard to the elders becoming connected with the Lamanites, when this mission was called there were several others called at the same time, and they were all instructed to become identified with the nations by marriage at least there were sufficient instructions given for them to understand, that; had the spirit of 'A. It has been urged upon you this morning but I do not urge it upon you. If you do not feel the spirit of it do not enter into it. When this is to take place, the spirit will dictate and urge it upon them. We cannot come to a knowledge of the truth in one year, neither can we bring them to a knowledge of God all at once. It will take time and a great deal of patience to accomplish this great work. We must have patience, we cannot hurry these matters. In relation to the brethren connecting themselves with the Indians here. I do not feel to urge it upon the brethren; because I believe there is not a squaw here that if she was married to any of the brethren would prove true to them. Upon closing he blessed the brethren. -- Fort Limhi, Idaho

[Source: The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

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