[David O. McKay] Consideration was given to a letter from H---- B---- de E----, also a letter from Bishop K----F-------- S----- and Counselors * , these letters having reference to the problems involved in this sister's marriage to a Negro. She became a member in 1961, received her endowments in 1963, and was divorced from her former husband in 1965. She has subsequently married a Negro non-member, and has been told by the Bishopric that no further Temple visits would be allowed her, and that because of her marriage to a Negro her Temple endowments are ineffective. It was decided to write the bishopric asking that they inform this sister that the fact of her marriage to a Negro does not cancel her endowments; that, however, under the circumstances she should not be recommended to the Temple for further ordinance work. The Bishopric also are to be told that any children born of this marriage cannot hold the Priesthood; however, there is no reason why she cannot be active in the Ward and Stake.
[Source: David O. McKay diary, Jan. 12, 1966; hyphens added to conceal names, in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
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