[Apostle Rudger Clawson] Quarterly meeting of the Twelve at the temple. ...Pres. Lyman was the first speaker and said that of late he had taken some pains to instruct presidents of stakes and members of this council that they must guard against the occurrence of any more plural marriages. Was pleased, he said, that action had been taken by the Presidency and Twelve to the effect that sealings should no longer be performed outside of the temples. The enemy is on the alert and the brethren should be careful in their public utterances at the coming conference and in the stakes of Zion. It is important that the brethren should be united and entertain harmonious views. ...
Elder Clawson followed ... Rejoiced in the gift of faith, whereby it was an easy matter for him to believe in principles of the gospel as set forth in the scriptures and the miracles of the Bible. There are people in the church, who are naturally, it seems, unbelieving. This was due, he thought, to the fact that there is gentile blood coursing through their veins. Faith also is a gift of God. Spoke of the local situation. Some of our people expressed regrets that Elder Smoot had been sent to congress in view of what had followed. He didn't feel that way, but could see the hand of the Lord in it. The fact that portions of the Book of Covenants, including the revelation of plural marriage, had been copied into the records of the U.S. senate and that President Smith had been called before a committee of the senate to testify to the truth of the work was little less than a miracle in his eyes. ..
Elder Reed Smoot ... thought it a most wonderful thing that President Smith had been permitted to testify before a committee of the United States senate that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that as a church we enjoy the spirit of revelation, all of which testimony becomes a part of the records of the senate for all time to come.
Elder Hyrum M. Smith ...spoke a word in favor of President [Theodore] Roosevelt and said he believed him to be a good man because of his love for his wife and children. ...
Elder Geo. A. Smith said that he felt he would like to see the time come when the Twelve could be cut loose from business and secular affairs that they might give themselves wholly to the work of the ministry and yet he realized that, if they devoted all their time to preaching, they would become narrow and bigoted. ...
[Source: Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
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