155 years ago today - Tuesday, Sep 8, 1857

[Full Moon?]

Dawn: [The Indians] "attacked the emigrants again about sunrise the next morning, which was Tuesday, and had one of their number killed and several wounded." 53

7:00 am: In Cedar, Higbee assembles "a dozen or more of as honorable good citizens as lived in the country volunteered" to go to the meadows54

Morning: "On the way [from the Santa Clara] we met a small band of Indians returning [to their homes] with some eighteen or twenty head of cattle. One of the Indians was wounded in the shoulder. They told me the Indians were encamped east of the emigrants at some springs." 55

1:00: "I, with the white men, reached the Meadows about one o'clock P.M....On our arrival at the springs we found about two hundred Indians, among whom were the two wounded chiefs, Moqueetus and Bill. The Indians were in a high state of excitement; [they] had killed many cattle and horses belonging to the company. I counted sixty head near their encampment that they had killed in revenge for the wounding of their men." [Hamblin and Lee get them not to kill more stock]. "emigrants had corralled all their wagons but one." 56

4:00 pm: Higbee arrives at the meadows

?: Emigrants at MM "drew their wagons near each other and chained the wheels one to the other."57

5:00 pm: Lee launches second major attack?

6:00 pm: Powers, with Mathews/Tanner train, camps at Summitt

6:00 pm: Higbee leaves the meadows for Cedar City

9:00 pm: "Immediately upon the arrival of much intelligence, efforts were made to raise men to go and, if possible, conciliate the Indians; which party, with interpreters, left Cedar on Tuesday night about 9 o'clock."58

Night: "The attack was renewed that night [Tuesday] by the Indians, in spite of all we could do to prevent it." Lee goes to stop Indian attack, and "when opposite the corral on the north, the bullets came around us like a shower of hail." Lee prays for protection; balls hit his hat and shirt near the shoulder. Indians call him crybaby and Oscar saves Lee's life. 59

Night: [Or perhaps Wednesday morning] After the Indians pull back, Lee holds a council and gets Indians to agree to suspend hostilities. Two Indians tell Lee "the night before they had seen two men on horseback come out of the emigrants' camp under full speed, and that they went to Cedar City." 60

12:00 pm: Higbee arrives at Cedar and meets with Haight

?: Pitchforth reports (on 9 September) "an expres[s] went through yesterday from Iron Co-to Pres Young bringing information the the [sic] emegrants who went through a short time since was acting very mean" 61

Date:: "The first attack was made on them on the 8th of September, at which time a number were killed and wounded."62

[Lee's times from Mormonism Unveiled]

Dawn: [The Indians] "attacked the emigrants Tuesday morning."63 [226]

Morning: "I was notified of what had taken place, early Tuesday morning, by an Indian who came to my house."64

Noon?: "I reached the camp in about twelve miles from Harmony."65

Sunset?: Goes 16 miles and meets Shirts "with about one hundred Indians and a number of Mormons from the southern settlements." Whites camp, Indians go to the Meadows.

[Source: Mountain Meadows Massacre timeline, Will Bagley]

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