120 years ago today - Sep 29, 1904; Thursday

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
A meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles was held this morning in the temple as usual.

An informal talk was had upon the subject of the sealing of couples in Arizona and Mexico outside of the temple. President [Joseph F.] Smith remarked that if we allow the idea to prevail that these marriages outside the temple are just as good as those performed in the temple, it would not be very long before our young people of these far-away places would be loath to come to the temple at all, in consequence of the great expense attending the journey, and this would be a blow to the sanctity of temple ordinances. The President then said he would not be averse to Apostles marrying unmarried people, where it may be inconvenient for them to come to a temple; but, he said, it must be distinctly understood that all such marriages are for time only, performed under the laws of the land and known among us as legal marriages, and the contracting parties should so understand it. They should be told that all such marriages have nothing whatever to do with sealing for eternity, and
that they must therefore look forward to the time when they must come to the temple and be properly sealed, and have their children sealed to them.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

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