60 years ago today - Mon Oct 27, 1952

[David O. McKay Office Journal] 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.--Met by appointment at his request Mr. Clinton Vernon, Attorney General, State of Utah. Mr. Vernon said that word has gone out--evidently from two General Authorities (whose names he would not repeat) to Presidents of Stakes to defeat him in his attempt to be re- elected as Attorney General of the State of Utah. He has specific instances where one of the General Authorities--Alma Sonne--allegedly stated to Presidencies and High Councilmen, that he (Clinton D. Vernon), is an apostate; secondly, that he is in favor of taxing Church property, and, thirdly, that he is in sympathy with the "cultists" at Short Creek. "These accusations," declared Mr. Vernon, "are absolute falsehoods." Clinton Vernon did make a ruling that sustained the action of the Box Elder County Attorney that the Welfare Property in Box Elder County should be taxed, but he is not in favor of taxing Church property as a whole; and, furthermore, he is not an apostate. He was never baptized into the Church--his parents, however, were married in the Temple and were buried in their temple clothes. His children are baptized--I think he said he has two--his wife is in the Church, and no matter what the outcome of this election, Mr. Vernon says he is not going to have any bitterness in his heart, but he would like to set himself right on the proposition. He was going to send a letter to all the Presidents of the Stakes, but decided against that because all Presidents have not been instructed. He has met one or two groups and explained the situation to them, and I told him to continue to meet the groups and explain his stand--and that is but fair! I called up President William Critchlow of the South Ogden Stake, and suggested that he git in touch with Clinton Vernon and hear the latter's side of the question. Mr. Vernon opened his heart to me regarding not only his relation to the Church, but to his family, and his reasons for ruling on this Box Elder question. He also said that he heard that in the Cummings Ward on October 19, 1952, it was reputedly said that a letter was read in Sacrament Meeting stating that a "high State official running for re-election is using the Church," and "if you wish to know who he is" said Bishop Parkinson, "I'll tell you if you will come to me after the meeting." Mrs. Louis L. Sorenson went up and was given Mr. Vernon's name. I think my interview with Brother Vernon was very profitable, and I hope only good will come from it.

[Source: McKay, David O., Office Journal]

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