85 years ago today - Jul 13, 1939

[J. Reuben Clark]
"Ordaining"and "Setting Apart" In connection with the discussion above referred to, the question came up as to the use of the word "ordain," and as to whether or not a man to whom the sealing power was given was merely set apart therefor, or was ordained thereto. I told the brethren that it seemed to me this distinction should be made between the two words: "Ordain" should be used where power is conferred upon a man, and "set apart" should be used when the man already possesses the power but needs to be authorized to use it. The brethren did not feel perfectly clear about the matter.

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

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