180 years ago today - Jul 16, 1844

[Brigham Young Manuscript History - constructed later from other sources]
While at Brother Bement's house in Peterboro', I heard a letter read which Brother Livingston had received from Mr. Joseph Powers, of Nauvoo, giving particulars of the murder of Joseph and Hyrum. The first thing which I thought of was, whether Joseph had taken the keys of the kingdom with him from the earth; Brother Orson Pratt sat on my left; we were both leaning back on our chairs. Bringing my hand down on my knee, I said the keys of the kingdom are right here with the Church.

Received a letter from Brother Woodruff confirming the news of the death of the Prophets. I started for Boston; stayed at Lowell all night.

His journal entry from that day reads: "tusday 16 started for Boston having heard of Bro J & H. Smiths deth-- came to Lowel stad all night --"

[Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).]

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