100 years ago today - Jul 23, 1924

[President Heber J. Grant Diary]
Met Mr. G.A. Marr, attorney in my office this morning shortly after 7 o'clock, and talked with him until after 9. He wrote me a letter some time ago saying he could not understand how in the world I could sustain Guy C. Wilson as president of the L.D.S. Shcool [sic] of Music and L.D.S. High School and Business College, when I knew that he was living in violation of the law, having two families in Salt Lake City. I explained to him that Guy Wilson went to Mexico in good faith to live there, married two wives there, expecting to spend his time in Mexico, that when the rebellion came and he was driven out, that my predecessor saw fit to employ him as president of the L.D.S. University and that I did not feel like discharging him, as he had spent his life preparing himself to teach. I felt that men who had entered into plural marriage in Mexico, by and with the consent of President Diaz and prior to the dropping of John W. Taylor and Matthias F. Cowley as members of the Council of the
Twelve, so far as the Church was concerned, ought not to be condemned. He stated that he could not agree with me, but he saw my standpoint, and seemed to feel better than prior to writing his letter.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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