[Patriarchal Blessings]
Patriarchal Blessing of Eliza Ann Snow given by Joseph Smith, Sr. on February 3, 1839
A Blessing Meeting was held by Joseph Smith Senr. the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, at the House of Daniel Allen's Jr. in the City of Farwest Caldwell County State of Missouri. Feb. 3. AD. 1839 A Patriarchal Blessing was confer[r]ed upon the head Eliza Ann Snow Wife of James C Snow and Daughter of John Carter. Born in the Town of Newry Oxford County State of Maine September 28. AD. 1818
Sister Eliza Ann I once more lay my hands upon thy head to bless thee and to confirm the Blessings of a Father upon thee, and I ask God our Heavenly Father to strengthen thy mind and also confirm upon thy head. the blessing which has already been confirmed upon thee. and all that has not been fulfilled may come to pass and now I lay my hands upon thy head again the second time and Seal Blessings upon thee which shall not be taken from thee. if thou art faithful because thy Name is written in Heaven and sealed in the Lamb[']s Book of Life therefore thou shalt live long on the Land and shall receive all of thy Blessing and shall be blessed in all thy day in com[m]on with thy companion. thou shalt also have Posterity & they Shall be great upon the Earth. for the Heavens shall be propitious over them and they shall be blessed of the Lord continual[l]y. thou shalt Live also to see thy Posterity even down to the third generation yea even this child that now hast in thine arms.
Shall live and stand upon the Earth when the Downfall of Babylon shall be and shall see the Saviour come. be faithful them. so that Angels may administer to thee. for they will desire thy company and in Night visions they shall administer to thee and guard the[e] from all danger.
thou shalt also be a Mother in Israel and shall be Blessed upon the Earth and shall live to see the winding up scene of this generation and stand when C[h]rist shall come. and shall receive an inheritance in Zion. and be crowned with Celestial Glory. because thou art of the Blood of Joseph through the loines [loins] and Lineage of Ephreaim [Ephraim] therefore thou shalt have wisdom given thee Sufficient to accomplish all things which thou shalt set thine hands to do for there shall be nothing to hard for thee. and now I say unto thee listen to the voice of thy companion while he is with thee and then when he is gone to the Nations who stand afar off thou shalt know by the Spirit of God where he is. which shall cause thine heart to rejoice. thou shalt also have the spirit of Prophecy so that thou canst understand all things and comprehend all things in thy day and generation. and now I say unto thee be faithful and a crown of Celestial Glory thou shalt receive in the Kingdom
of thy Father. which shall never be taken from thee. and now I seal the seal of the Living God upon thee and seal the[e] up unto Eternal Life. in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. James C Snow Scribe
Recorded Feb[r]uary 3. 1859 in the City of Provo Territory of Utah Utah County James C Snow Recorder [Patriarchal Blessing Book 1:142]
[Early Patriarchal Blessings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Joseph Smith Sr. (Author), H. Michael Marquardt (Editor), http://amzn.to/rCBHVe]
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