[David O. McKay]
Just at the opening of the meeting [general conference] Elder Orson F. Whitney handed me a letter, saying, 'In strict confidence.' The letter was from Elder Heber J. Grant to Bro[ther]. Whitney, expressing feelings of love and admiration for Bro[ther]. Whitney. It was prompted by the remarks made by Bro[ther]. Whitney at the quarterly meeting of the Apostles, held last Tuesday. At this meeting Bro[ther]. Whitney deplored the fact that he has not financial ability, and incidentally referred to a mortgage on his home for $400.00. Bro[ther]. Whitney referred to Bro[ther]. Grant's ability in the financial world, and also eulogized his other admirable qualities. Bro[ther]. Grant in his letter expresses his love for Bro[ther]. Whitney and his admiration for Bro[ther]. Whitney's 'God-given talents.' In conclusion, he said to 'accept this letter as a receipt for the $446.50 mortgage on your home, which I want to pay.' That is an expression of true friendship.
[David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
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