180 years ago today - Jul 16, 1842


By A. Crane, M.D., Professor of Phrenology


Amativeness. - 7, F. Very partial to the opposite sex; generally reciprocated by them. Philoprogenitiveness. - 10, L. Strong parental affection, great solicitude for their happiness. Inhabidiveness. - 9, L. Love of homestead very strong; extremely fond of early reminiscences of birthplace, and etc. Adhesiveness. - 10, L. Unalterable affection when once fixed; enduring all things for their sakes. Combativeness. - 7, F. Great powers of exertion, and sustaining under opposition and difficulties. Destructiveness. - 5, M. Ability to control the passions, and is not disposed to extreme measures. Secretiveness. - 7, F. Proper reserve; prudent expression of feeling, without bluntness or deceitfulness. Acquisitiveness. - 5, M. Freeness to spend money; love of it chiefly for its uses and what it will buy. Alimentativeness. - 6, F. A good appetite, but not excessive; partiality for a variety of rich, hearty dishes. Vitativeness. - 6, M or S. Indifference to life; views the approach of death

without fear.


Cautiousness. - 7, F. Provision against prospective dangers and ills, without hesitation or irresolution. Approbativeness,-- 8, F or M. Decent regard for popularity, fame, praise, and a good name. Self-esteem. - 7, F. Self confidence and complacency, without much pride or conceit. Concentrativeness,-- 8, F. Can dwell on a subject without fatigue, and control the imagination.


Benevolence. - 11, V. L. An overflowing of kind, humane, and tender feelings. Veneration. - 10, L. Worship of the supreme being; reverence. Firmness. - 10, L. Stability and decision of character and purpose. Conscientiousness. - 10, L. High regard for duty, integrity, moral principle, justice, obligation, truth, and etc. Hope. - 8, F. Reasonable hopes, a fine flow of spirits; anticipation of what is to be realized. Marvelousness. - 7, F. Openness to conviction, without blind credulity; tolerably good degree of faith. Imitation. - 7, F. A disposition and respectable ability to imitate, but not to mimic, or to act out. Prepossession. - 11, V. L. Strong adherence to preconceived opinions; very strong prejudices, and etc. ldeality. - 8, F. Refinement without a sickly delicacy; some love of poetry, without poetic talent.


Admonition. - 5, S or V. S. Indifference about the affairs of others, and not disposed to give advice, etc. Constructiveness. - 8, F. Respectable ingenuity, without uncommon skill, tact or facility in making, etc. Tune. - 9, F or M. Love of music, without quickness to catch or learn tunes by the ear. Time. - 8, F or M. Indistinct notions of the lapse of time, of ages, dates of events, etc. Locality. - 11, V. L. or L. Great memory of places and positions. Eventuality. - 9, L. Retentive memory of events and particulars. Individuality. - 8, F. With very large 39 and 40, great observation, with deep thought, etc. Form. - 8, F. Cognizance and distinct recollection of shapes, countenances, and etc. Size. - 11, V. L., L. or F. Ability to judge of proportionate size, and etc. Weight. - 11, v. L., or L., or F. Knowledge of gravitation, momentum, etc. Color. - 8, F. or M. Moderate skill in judging of colors, comparing and arranging them. Language. - 7, F. Freedom of expression, without

fluency or verbosity; no great loquacity. Order. - 8, L. Love of arrangement; everything in its particular place. Number.- 8, F. Respectable aptness in arithmetical calculations, without extraordinary talent.


Mirthfulness. - 6, F. Pleasantry and humor, without facetiousness; fair perception of the ludicrous. Causality. - 11, V. L. Great power of thought, depth and originality of reason. Comparison. - 9, L. A discrimination; power of illustration; ability to perceive and apply analogies, and etc.

[Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).]

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