120 years ago today - Aug 9, 1900; Thursday

A letter from President Joseph F. Smith was read. It was dated Juarez [Mexico] 2nd, and conveyed the information that it had been decided to allow Brother [BYU President] Benjamin Cluff to select six or seven of his best men to accompany him, and the others were to be

honorably released from the expedition with the privilege of going into the mission field or returning home. President Smith, in closing his letter says: "Bro[ther]. Cluff could not give up his cherished scheme of exploring the south, although I told him we thought it would be well for him to do so."

...Elder Cluff's marital relations were now freely discussed. It seemed that some time ago, but long since the issuance of the Manifesto, he, although already a married man, won the affections of one of his students,10 and diplomatically endeavored in a quiet way to convey the idea that he had married her, and this he did in hopes of having the marriage ceremony performed secretly in the future. At least this is the supposition. This matter was brought to the attention of President Snow in the presence of Brother Cluff, when it was held by Professor Cluff that there was nothing wrong whatever in the relations between himself and the young lady, but he expressed the desire that the marriage ceremony could be performed...

President Snow then said that from what he had heard, he felt that he should feel perfectly safe in sending word to President Smith that it was the mind of the Twelve--and it was certainly his mind--that the expedition return.

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

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