150 years ago today - May 6, 1867

At a meeting of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles on April 7th 1867, certain accusatory statements were rad which had been made to President Brigham Young respecting the teachings of Elder Amasa M. Lyman at Beaver, Beaver County, and at other places, and the four undersigned members of the Quorum, who were going South, were authorized to investigate the charges and to take such action upon them as might become necessary. Elder Lyman, it was said ... in alluding to his recent confession, had told an anecdote about the countryman and the merchant, in which the countryman said that all men would lie if pinched enough; ... It was further said that the whole drift of his teachings on the occasion referred to was in vindication of his former erroneous teachings respecting the atonement of Jesus; that he was not sorry for anything that he had preached. The only thing that seemed grievous to him was that the was not understood.

While at Beaver, April 29th , and 30th these statements and charges were investigated by us, and were substantially confirmed ... We further found that there were some in who minds faith in the efficacy of the blood of Jesus was almost extinguished, and the most pernicious ideas were entertained by them respecting His atonement. ... we have become convinced that ... that Elder Amasa M. Lyman be deprived of his priesthood. Therefore, We, the undersigned members of the Quorum of the Twelve feel to withdraw our fellowship from him, and to cut him off from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. JOHN TAYLOR WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE A. SMITH GEORGE Q. CANNON Having heard a statement of the evidence and the circumstances of this case from the brethren who investigated it, and being familiar also ourselves with the unsound teachings of Elder Lyman we fully approve of and concur in the above action. ERASTUS SNOW ORSON HYDE EZRA T. BENSON LORENZO SNOW ORSON PRATT Sen. CHARLES C. RICH

[Source: Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

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