Bro[ther] Snow in a very kind manner explained the object of above meeting. said that Elder Roberts had made statements in public gatherings and had taken positions in political matters that the Apostles felt it their duty to investigate, that this was not to be considered a trial but a [illegible] of investigation. He said considerable in way of explanation, but manifested a very kind spirit. Apostle Brigham Young then read short synopsis from Herald of speeches delivered by B. H. Roberts during the political campaign of 1895 and commented upon them from his stand point. Also called attention to an interview with reporter of Herald, after the Priesthood meeting, held at October conference, and statements made by Elder Roberts. Also course taken at the convention regarding woman sufferage, &c. Bro[ther] Young spoke at some length. Apostle F[rancis]. M. Lyman, then spoke exceedingly plain, and I thought very severely, upon the influence used amongst the people against the Brethrern of the Authorities in putting them to shame, and that Elder Roberts had done an almost irreparable injury. Called him to repentance. Elder Roberts then spoke upon each point brought against him and explaining why he said it, and the causes of his going into the political arena, and his fight in the convention and against woman suffrage. He was sorry that the bretheren took the view of his course that they did yet he had no regrets for what he had said and no apologies to make and if he continued he would justify his course. Each of the apostles and Seventies present spoke and each one present stated why they could not sustain Bro[ther] Roberts in the course persued and advised that he fall into line. Elder Roberts again spoke, but said he could not change his views, but would resign his place among the seventies if they desired, and fall back into the ranks. He thought he had climbed his little hill, and performed all there was for him to do in this direction. Apostle Lyman, Grant, Seymour B. Young and others wept and cried like children, and begged and pled, but of no avail. Apostle Snow again spoke as I never heard him speak before. Apostle Lyman begged for more time to be given. It was so moved and voted for unanimously. The meeting was dismissed and Elder Roberts left at once. During the meeting he shed no tears, neither did he humble himself, but sat there like he was of stone. I have never witnessed, neither do I ever desire to again, the weighing of so great a man in the balances. For Roberts is a noble spirit, intel[l]igent, brave, vali[a]nt, and true, yet on this question he is in darkness. I pray God that his heart may be softened, and the time speedily come when he can see his mistake and continue his great work.
[Source: J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
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