115 years ago today - Oct 1, 1898.

[Apostle Anthony W. Ivins Diary] The Church has been paying me $500.00 per year in produce for my services as president of the Stake. It was decided on motion of Pres. Jos. F. Smith that 25 per cent of this amount be paid in cash or mds.

When I went to Mexico I loaned the Church $10000.00 at 10 per cent interest. .... Snow made preliminary remarks ... fifteen or twenty years perhaps sooner, we are going to Jackson County. If Latter-day Saints had paid their tithes in the past we would have on hand today a million dollars and if this had been for ten years back we would have ten or twelve millions. The Lord has told me plainly and most distinctly that the law of tithing should be taught while we were at St. George and He has made it just as plain that his is what I should say to you today.

... Heber J. Grant had always paid his tithing with pleasure. Two dollars is spent in breaking the Word of Wisdom for every dollar paid in tithing.

/ Pres. Snow ... He [the Lord] has forgiven us heretofore but He will not forgive us longer. The man who fails to pay his tithing hereafter I could not recommend to the House of the Lord. ... The Lord will send Cyclones, Whirlwinds and devouring fire and the way will be prepared for the fulfilment of His purposes.

...Pres. Jos. F. Smith read from the Bible. God once cleansed the earth with water. He will cleanse it with fire. Just as sure as we live, just as sure as you hear the sound of my voice, unless we honor this law of tithing we shall never get back to Jackson County unless we go there as Ancient Israel wint into the Promised Land, by the shedding of blood. ...

Francis M. Lyman. ... The time approaches when Zion is to be redeemed and the Temple built under the law of consecration. When the time shall come that Pres. Snow, if it is his good forturne, and I see no reason why it should not be, shall say the time has come for the redemption of Zion, we will be surprized at the thousands who will be ready. ...

George Q. Cannon. There are men in this congregation who are descendents of the ancient Twelve Apostles, and I shall say it, of the Son of God himself, for he had seed, and in the time right they shall be known. ...

[Source: Diary Excerpts of Anthony W. Ivins, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

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